Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Keeping the joints oiled

Not sure how many of you are on RA drugs, but I know that between the RA and drugs, the exhaustion gets hard and overwhelming. I try to drink water to help lower this before and after my MTX injections, but I am not good at remembering. Yesterday and today was especially difficult. Especially when Honey Bear asked me to stay home and sleep in with her (she would miss school). I was so tempted! People don't always understand how hard it is to get up some mornings. Instead I pushed through to get out of bed and take Little Miss to the bus. 

I made it to work convincing myself I did not need to go running today. "I am just to tired." That's what I thought. I prayed all morning for energy. Finally around 1115 I got up and dressed for running. I admit I really really didn't want to go. Having pushed myself to run, I am so thankful I did! In fact I beat my usual pace! 

Of course I am now paying for it in my joints, but I do have energy again. I have to keep telling myself to get up and keep moving. I know that if I sit or lay down for too long my joints will "gel" up. It is especially worse in my heel joint. 

I encourage you to get up and get moving. Don't let your joints gel, instead keep them moving! I do confess I don't do this all the time, but I know when I haven't!!!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Walking, running and paying for it

Lately I have been training again for 5K races. I love doing them as they are doable for my joints. I hope I can do a 10K some day but I am not sure about my body. I have been working hard to lose weight and get healthy. I admit I feel great as long as I am moving, but the minute I stop I pay for it. I walked about 2 miles today and now my heel and ankle are out if commission. Is it worth it? Somedays. 

Isn't that what life is about? Taking chances to see what the outcome will be? I feel guilty some days when I can barely function. I can't even do dishes without my feet hurting some days. People forget what RA is. They can't look at me and know I have it. Sometimes I think about buying a shirt that announces that I have RA. Then maybe I won't get as many judgmental looks when I have to use the driving cart or my handicap sticker. 

I used to be angry about this life. Why couldn't I be skinny and pain free? Thankfully God had shown me that this is part of a bigger plan. He knows my pain. He knows my struggles. He comforts me when I need it. Thank you Jesus for showing me love. 
For those of you who struggle with chronic pain - know that God heard and feels your pain. Lean on Him for comfort and support. He is always waiting.